FINESSE is a fishbone (cause and effect) diagram, a mnemonic, and a mental model. FINESSE stands for Frame, Illustrate, Noise Reduction, Empathy, Structure, Synergy, and Ethics. The FINESSE fishbone diagram is peer-reviewed and battle-tested. Most importantly, it works.
Systems Thinking
As applied to effective communication, systems thinking is the cornerstone of FINESSE.
A system is a collection of interrelated or interacting parts, each of which can affect the behavior or outcomes of the whole. One defining property of a system is that it provides a function that none of the parts can accomplish by themselves. The corollary is that a system is not the sum of the parts but the product of their interactions.
A communication system is the same as any other system. The good news for technical professionals is that you do not have the best-looking, most eloquent, or smartest person in the room to be an effective communicator. You just need to trust the system.
The following sections summarize each bone in FINESSE. A link is provided for an overarching article, three supporting articles, and a three-minute video.
Frame: “A problem well defined is a problem half solved.”
Illustrate: “Graphical excellence is a function of substance, statistics, and design.”
Noise: “One person's data is another person's noise.”
Empathy: "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."
Structure: “Start at the end & work backward.”
Synergy: “There are compelling social reasons for group cooperation.”
Ethics: “Ethics are the way we make decisions.”
How FINESSE Creates Effective Communication to Senior Management
Use the FINESSE fishbone diagram as an approach for the biggest decisions in your career. FINESSE is peer-reviewed and battle-tested. Most importantly, it works.
Communicating with FINESSE is a not-for-profit community of technical professionals dedicated to being highly effective communicators and facilitators. Learn more about our publications, webinars, and workshops. Join the community for free.